Bone Grafting

Bone Grafting

Once you have had a tooth extracted or it has fallen out of its own accord, the bone that once made up the tooth socket will start to shrink and become reabsorbed by the rest of the jaw. As a result, over time, there is a general drop in the height of the bone level in the region of the missing tooth, as well as a loss in volume and form in the structure of the bone.

The Problem with Bone Loss

The problem with this kind of bone loss is that it can upset the stability of the neighboring teeth and it can also cause their roots to become exposed, leaving them incredibly sensitive and more vulnerable to decay. This is why treating tooth loss promptly is so important, or else you may have to arrange an appointment with a bone grafting specialist in New York!

At Glassman Dental Care, we take the proper precautions to prevent this from happening. If you have had loss of tissue or bone due to extractions, our NYC bone grafting surgeon, Dr. Jacobs, employs several methods of restoration, which enables implants to be placed that would not otherwise be possible. He may either utilize a sophisticated dental implant protocol that is, in most cases, able to avoid the need for bone grafting entirely or you may be required to undergo a bone grafting procedure.

What is Bone Grafting?

Bone grafting makes it possible for NYC patients to receive implants, even if they have lost a lot of bone volume in their jawbones over time. This procedure involves the implantation of bone tissue, typically sourced from the palate, onto the region of the jaw that has suffered atrophy. A special compound may also be applied to the area, which enhances bone growth and healing.
Losing a tooth can have a significant impact on you, both physically and mentally. It can affect bite function and the way your upper and lower teeth come together. After a long period of time, the strain of a bad bite can result in Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMD), the symptoms of which are pain and inflammation in the jaw, headaches, neck pain, and fatigue. Tooth loss also results in the atrophication of the underlying jawbone, which may necessitate bone grafting, as was previously discussed.

Dr. Jacobs will further discuss these concerns with you to help take proper care of your mouth after tooth loss.

Learn More about Teeth Replacement using Dental Implants