How Long Does Oral Surgery Take To Heal?

How Long Does Oral Surgery Take To Heal?

DF7Oral Surgery

Oral surgery refers to any dental procedure that requires cutting of tissues. Wisdom teeth removal, dental implant placement, and other minor oral surgeries are often performed by your general dentist. 

If you have an upcoming oral surgery scheduled, you may be wondering how long it will take to recover and heal. Here’s what you can expect. 

Recovery After Oral Surgery 

Recovery refers to the period of time following your surgery that it takes you to feel like your normal self. Your recovery experience may vary based on a variety of factors: 

  • Type of procedure. Different procedures may have different recovery rates. Some procedures are more invasive than others, which results in a longer recovery. 
  • Anesthesia. The type of anesthesia you have during the procedure will affect your recovery time afterwards. Local anesthesia typically wears off in less than an hour and the effects of nitrous oxide wear off immediately. But conscious oral sedation or IV sedation can take a few hours to recover from and require rest for the remainder of the day. 

Average Healing Time 

Recovery and healing are not necessarily the same thing. You may have recovered enough by the following day to resume your normal daily activities. Some may need a few days to rest and recover before going back to school or work. 

However, complete healing of the tissues in your mouth can take 3-4 weeks. You may need to be careful about what you eat and how you care for your teeth until you have fully healed. How long it takes you to fully heal will depend on the following: 

  • Your personal healing rate. People heal at different rates based on their own individual health. Some naturally heal faster than others. 
  • How well you follow post-op instructions. The more closely you follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions, the faster you will heal. It is important to take care of yourself and the surgical site after the procedure. 

Common Oral Surgery Procedures

Here are some of the most common oral surgery procedures: 

  • Wisdom Teeth Removal. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically develop between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth are so large, that more often than not they fail to come in properly. Wisdom teeth are often impacted, or stuck below the gums, requiring surgery to remove them. 
  • Dental Implant Placement. Dental implants can replace lost or severely decayed teeth. A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw where it fuses with the bone to provide a solid anchor for a dental prosthetic. One tooth can be replaced with a single dental implant. Implant supported bridges and dentures can replace some or all of the teeth. 
  • Emergency Treatment. Dental emergencies may require oral surgery, especially if there is an injury to the jaw or the soft tissues of the mouth. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Surgery 

When should I see an oral surgeon instead of a dentist? 

Dentists can provide a variety of oral surgery procedures, but may refer you to an oral surgeon for specialized treatment when necessary. 

Will I need stitches after oral surgery?

In some cases a few stitches are placed in the soft tissues of your mouth following oral surgery. The purpose of stitches is to control bleeding and encourage faster healing. 

Learn More About Oral Surgery From Glassman Dental Care

If you have questions about an upcoming procedure or you need a consultation about a specific dental issue, call 212-787-4860 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.