How Long Does It Take To Feel Better After Oral Surgery

How Long Does It Take To Feel Better After Oral Surgery?

TeamOral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a wide variety of procedures from tooth extraction to dental implant placement. Each procedure is different and recovery times vary. How long does it take to feel better after oral surgery? Here’s what you can expect. 

What is Oral Surgery? 

Oral surgery is the term used to describe surgical procedures that are performed in the mouth. For a procedure to be considered oral surgery, there must be some degree of cutting involved, most often the gum or bone tissue. Sutures may be used to close soft oral tissues following surgical procedures. 

Examples of Oral Surgery Procedures 

The following types of oral surgery procedure may be provided by your general dentist: 

  • Wisdom teeth removal. Not all tooth extractions are considered to be surgical procedures, but wisdom teeth often are. This is because of their size and the fact that they are often impacted (stuck under the gums) and have to be removed surgically. 
  • Dental implant placement. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed in the jaw bone. This requires surgery to access the bone. 
  • Bone grafting. Bone grafting is often needed in preparation for dental implants. When the jaw bone weakens and thins out due to the absence of one or more teeth or from the effects of gum disease, bone grafting can regenerate lost bone tissue. The procedure is surgical because it requires cutting into the gums to place a bone fragment on top of the existing bone. 

Types of Anesthesia Used for Oral Surgery

  • Local anesthesia. Some oral surgery procedures can be done with local anesthesia to numb the area being treated. 
  • Nitrous oxide. In addition to local anesthesia, nitrous oxide may be used to provide relaxation assistance during oral surgery. 
  • Conscious oral sedation. An oral sedative can be prescribed to help patients relax during oral surgery and to make more invasive procedures more comfortable. 
  • IV sedation. Some oral surgeries, such as impacted wisdom teeth, may require IV sedation, which offers the deepest level of sedation outside of a hospital setting. 

Average Recovery Time 

On average most patients feel better within 24-48 hours of their oral surgery procedure, with full recovery in 1-2 weeks. But each patient and each procedure is different, meaning recovery times will vary. 

Factors That Affect Recovery Time 

The amount of time it takes you to feel better after oral surgery may depend on any of the following factors: 

  • Type of procedure. The time it takes you to recover may depend largely on the invasiveness of the procedure itself. 
  • Type of anesthesia. The deeper the level of sedation you have for the procedure, the longer it may take you to feel normal again. 
  • Your personal healing rate. Everyone heals at different rates, so no two people will have the exact same recovery experience. 
  • Compliance with after care instructions. You can expect to feel better sooner when you follow your dentist’s instructions for care after your procedure. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Surgery Recovery

What can I do to speed up my recovery? 

Eat a soft diet to avoid irritating or damaging the tissues that are healing. Avoid drinking from a straw after a tooth extraction to prevent dry socket. Avoiding smoking allows for faster recovery and improved oral health in general. Apply ice to the face or jaw on the side that was treated. 

What type of pain medication should I take after oral surgery? 

Most patients can manage any discomfort they feel following oral surgery with anti-inflammatory pain medication, such as ibuprofen. Some patients find success when alternating between that and acetaminophen. 

Oral Surgery at Glassman Dental Care 

At Glassman Dental Care we use cutting edge technology, such as dental lasers and digital technology, to make oral surgery as minimally invasive as possible. This not only improves your comfort during the procedure, but accelerates your recovery after the procedure, allowing you to feel better much sooner. 

Call 212-787-4860 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.