What Can You Eat After Oral Surgery?

What Can You Eat After Oral Surgery?


Oral surgery is sometimes necessary for the improvement or maintenance of your oral health. Procedures such as tooth extraction and dental implant placement sometimes require displacement of tissue to achieve the desired result, which constitutes surgery. 

If you have an upcoming appointment for an oral surgery procedure, you may be wondering what you will be able to eat afterwards. Here’s a guide to eating after oral surgery so you can properly plan and prepare. 

What is Oral Surgery? 

Oral surgery refers to surgical procedures that are performed in or on the mouth. A procedure is considered to be surgical when the gum tissue needs to be cut. Sutures are often required to close the gum tissue afterwards, which controls bleeding and promotes healing. 

Examples of Oral Surgery Procedures

  • Tooth Extraction. Some tooth extractions require oral surgery, such as impacted teeth that are stuck under the gums. 
  • Dental Implant Placement. Dental implants are surgically placed in the jaw bone, which requires the gum tissue to be opened up. 
  • Bone Grafting. When there is not sufficient bone structure in the jaw to support a dental implant, bone grafting encourages regeneration of lost bone tissue. 
  • Jaw Surgery. Maxillofacial surgery requires cutting of gum tissue and bone to change the shape and position of the jaw. 

What to Expect During Recovery

In the hours and days following oral surgery you may experience some discomfort due to inflammation of the tissues that were affected by the procedure. In many cases it can be managed with over the counter pain relievers, and in some cases your dentist may prescribe stronger medication. While you are recovering you will want to eat a soft diet. 

What to Eat During Recovery

The following foods and beverages are good for healing and recovery: 

  • Yogurt
  • Applesauce
  • Pudding
  • Jello
  • Smoothies
  • Protein drinks 
  • Milkshakes / ice cream
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Cottage cheese
  • Soup with no solids

When you’re ready for more solid foods (a few days following your procedure):

  • Soft cooked eggs
  • Pasta 
  • Cheese
  • Soft fruits 
  • Cooked vegetables 
  • Soft bread 
  • Soup 

Foods that are high in protein and nutritional value promote healing and faster recovery. Empty calories such as foods and beverages that are high in sugar are less desirable. 

What To Avoid During Recovery 

  • Spicy foods 
  • Hot foods or beverages 
  • Crunchy foods
  • Hard or chewy foods 
  • Acidic foods or beverages 

Hot, spicy, or acidic foods can irritate sore tissues, making inflammation worse. Eating hard or crunchy foods before you have time to heal can damage the tissues, slowing down recovery and increasing the risk of infection. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Surgery 

How long does it take to recover from oral surgery?

Recovery times vary based on a variety of factors from the invasiveness of your procedure to your own personal rate of healing. It is best to stick to a soft diet for at least a few days to a week after oral surgery. You should experience full healing in 2-4 weeks. 

Do I need to have my stitches removed after oral surgery?

The type of sutures used in oral surgery procedures are designed to dissolve on their own as the tissue heals. If they do not dissolve your dentist can remove them during a follow-up appointment. 

Learn More From Glassman Dental Care 

Glassman Dental Care provides a variety of oral surgery procedures including dental implant placement, bone grafting, and more. For more information about what to eat after oral surgery, call 212-787-4860 or contact us to schedule an appointment.