How Long Does It Take

How Long Does It Take To Get Used To A Dental Bridge?


A dental bridge is a common way to replace a missing tooth. A bridge can replace a few teeth as long as they are adjacent, or in a consecutive row. When you need an affordable option for replacement teeth, a bridge may be your best choice.  

As with any dental prosthetic, there is an adjustment period following placement. How long does it take to get used to a dental bridge? Here’s what you can expect. 

What is a Dental Bridge? 

A dental bridge is a row of artificial teeth that are attached to each other with no roots. Each end of the bridge is a crown that fits over the healthy teeth on both sides of the gap. The healthy teeth are reduced in size to make room for the crowns that are bonded in place over them. One or more artificial teeth, called pontics, are connected between these crowns and sit on top of the gums. The entire bridge looks and functions like a row of natural teeth. 

How Long is the Adjustment Period After Bridge Placement? 

After having a bridge placed it can take a few days to a few weeks to get used to it. Everyone is different, so it is impossible to say exactly how long it will take you to get used to your dental bridge. If you are having a difficult time with it, contact us and we will provide assistance so that you can get used to it more easily. We may need you to come in so that we can evaluate your bridge and make sure that it fits properly. 

Tips for Getting Used to a Dental Bridge 

If you’re having a difficult time getting used to your dental bridge, here are some suggestions: 

  • Take pain medication. If you are feeling tenderness or discomfort of any kind, over the counter pain medication is typically helpful. 
  • Use sensitive toothpaste. If your teeth are sensitive after your bridge is placed, using toothpaste with extra fluoride or that is made for sensitive teeth can help. 
  • Eat a soft diet. It may help to eat soft foods for the first few days or weeks so that you don’t have pain when chewing. 
  • Avoid extremely cold or hot foods and beverages. Allow food and beverages to cool or to reach room temperature before consuming if your teeth or gums are sensitive. Avoid extreme cold like ice, popsicles, or ice cream. 

How To Clean Your Dental Bridge 

Oral hygiene is extremely important when you have a dental bridge or any other dental prosthetic. Be sure to brush your bridge and floss between it and your natural teeth. You can’t floss between the teeth that are in your bridge, but you can use a small circular brush to clean under your bridge to remove plaque that may gather between it and your gums. A water flosser is also an effective tool for cleaning around and under your bridge. 

Why Choose Glassman Dental Care? 

When it comes to choosing a tooth replacement option, Glassman Dental Care provides a variety of options. We will discuss the options with you to help you make the best choice for a dental prosthetic that looks and functions naturally. 

Call 212-787-4860 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bridges

How long does a dental bridge last? 

A dental bridge can last anywhere from 5-15 years. On average, you can expect to get about 10 years out of a bridge. A bridge that is made of porcelain will gradually wear down and sustain damage over time. It can also damage the support teeth after many years of chewing force. 

Are there alternatives to dental bridges? 

A dental implant is one alternative to a dental bridge. An implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically placed in the jaw to support an artificial tooth. It exists independently of your other teeth because it doesn’t use them for support, so there is no damage to the healthy teeth. A dental implant looks and functions as closely as possible to your natural teeth, making it a more effective option for some patients.