Teeth Whitening Gallery

Take a look at some of the before-and-after pictures below to get an understanding of how our teeth whitening treatment could really bring out the pearly in your whites! Over the years, your teeth can become stained as a result of being frequently exposed to the staining agents in the foods and beverages you consume. Other habits, such as smoking and coffee-drinking can also have an affect on the color and vibrant whiteness of your teeth. A teeth whitening at our NYC dental practice can dramatically improve upon the quality of your smile, and yet the treatment is quick and inexpensive!

before and after professional teeth whitening
before and after patient teeth whitening
bearded man displays his teeth before and after whitening
woman displaying her teeth before and after whitening
man displays teeth post-whitening
before and after teeth whitening
image of home teeth whitening vs professional whitening
home teeth whitening vs professional whitening
photo collage of before/after teeth whitening
before and after home and office teeth whitening
before and after of in-office teeth whitening
before and after images of teeth whitening